Save 20% when you buy early

We are extending the following prelaunch offer to show our dedication to providing UV technology that empowers everyone to take comfort in clean.

Limited time offer. Valid through February 28, 2021, while supplies last. Includes 1 year limited warranty covering parts and labor. Excludes shipping and handling. Product available Feb. 2021.



List Price: $3,550

Everyday items:

Phones / Keys / Eyewear

Badge / Keyboard / Mouse

Writing Tools / Remotes



List Price: $5,600

Everyday and shared items:

Laptops / Tablets

Handheld Tools / Radios

Wearable Tech

Cube 2


List Price: $7,700

Shared gear and more:

PPE / Wearables

Manufacturing / Kitchen Tools

Gym Equipment

"We were looking at every facility (technology) application to make our campus safe, and the AvaUV product was unique, it’s important for the University to utilize multiple approaches to sanitizing in addition to frequent surface cleaning. A big problem is, how do you handle items that people bring into buildings that are frequently touched, such as keys, phones, ID cards and books? UV technology is a great application to solve that."
Pete S., VP Facilities
“We are happy to team up with AvaUV to beta test the AvaUV disinfection stations in select schools. These stations are cutting edge technology in the sanitation industry. Disinfect objects in minutes. Uses: books, computers, phones, keys, utensils, etc. Thank you, Tekna!”
Mattawan Consolidated Schools
“We have resumed equipment checkouts, including headphones, calculators, charging cords, and more! We have partnered with AvaUV to install UVC cleaning devices in Waldo Library. These devices disinfect objects using UVC light to destroy pathogens and protect personal devices. This is just one of the ways we are reducing the risk of infection and helping to keep you safe during your visit to Waldo Library.”
University Library
“We are excited to partner with AvaUV and bring these devices to our library and provide a service to help our users and help us disinfect our own equipment and the things we circulate. These could make a real difference for us specifically with our VR lab that we’re hoping to open in the early spring.”
Alex T., Emerging Technology Specialist